Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Dear Parents/Guardians,

I am happy to announce that we will be continuing the tradition of living history at the Barton House on the Bloomsburg fairgrounds this year.  Students in grades K-8 will have the opportunity to research and learn what it was to be a child in the late 1800s. They will dress up in period clothes, play games, and hear stories from the time period. Our unit will culminate with a visit to the Barton House in Bloomsburg, PA. Students will interact with visitors that day teaching them all they learned about life in antebellum America. Parents, Grandparents, and friends of the family are encouraged to come visit your student while they prefer their living history.

Students in Grades 2nd- 5th grade will attend the fair on Tuesday September 23rd*
Students in Grades 6th-8th grade will attend the fair on Wednesday September 24th. Please note attached schedule. The Barton House does not operate if it is raining out. If the weather forecast does not look good for one of the days, we will ask that all students come on the day that does have sunshine. We would call parents the day before to make them aware of any changes.

Students are asked to wear period style clothing and pack an appropriate bagged lunch for the day. Students will NOT have permission to visit any attraction at the fair during our visit at the Barton House. Students will be escorted at all times to the bathrooms during the day.  We plan to leave school at 8:30 and leave the Barton House at 2:00 to return in time for afternoon dismissal.

If you have any questions or interests in helping chaperone this event, please email me at school!

We look forward to a wonderful day reliving history!
Mrs. Kozlek

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