Friday, April 11, 2014

April Updates

 K-8 students are continuing working on their Mythology projects. Students are in the middle of conducting research for the character they will be representing for our mythology event.  Invitations will be sent home in a few weeks for dinner with the gods. Right now we are looking at May 28th at 6:00. Students have studied Monsters, Heroes, and Greek culture.

Academic Competitions
Our K'NEX STEM Challenge Winners will be competing at the state level at Harrisburg University on May 2nd. We wish them the best of luck.

We are also giving our warmest wishes to our Computer Fair Winners will be competing at the state level at Dickinson University on May 21st.

High School Updates

Our High School Forensics groups will be competing in one more event at the end of April. We are looking towards May 4th as a Parent Night and Awards Evening.

Independent Study students should be working on finalizing their papers. The school year is rapidly winding down, and we will be setting a date for final presentations shortly. I can not wait to see your final work.

Our Diversity group, PRIDE, had a special guest speaker Danny Roth. Mr. Roth offered us a new perspective on learning to love and respect oneself. His thought provoking talk taught us to stand up for victims of abuse, and the anti-bully movement. A big thank you to him and Dr. Mary Harris for arranging this opportunity for us.

Finally a big congratulations to our High School students who recently competed at FBLA State Leadership Conference.  I have the honor of being a state judge each year and chaperone for our students.  I am always impressed with our young professionals across the state. Students are doing amazing things.  Southern Columbia is sending seven students to the national competition in June.  This is the largest number we have ever sent. Great job students!

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